Video Art World is responsible for formulating and instituting the collection and distribution standards for moving imagery broadly used nowadays within the art market worldwide. Strongly focused on establishing the value of audiovisual art and its historical significance, this online platform constitutes the leading archive for the international audiovisual art market. Since its creation in 2005, our organization has also developed numerous exhibitions, specialized fairs, festivals, publications, conferences, and symposiums for some of the most important art venues in the World.


Artist: B Hakeem
Production year: 2004
Duration: 00:03:26
Catalogued as: EXPERIMENTAL

With "Negotiations" I put forward two socials problems in Algeria. First is related to the Nineties because at this dark time of civil war, a question was recurring "Who cuts the throat of whom?". The second problem which deals with "Negotiations" is that of civil agreement which was voted by referendum last year. The video seems to become universal and extensive. The term «negotiation» is still used today in the political, social and religious life.

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