
"I've been working my ass off just for you to make that profit!", said Robert Rauschenberg to Collector Robert Scull. It happened in New York in 1973, right after the first skyrocket auction sale of contemporary art. Since that crucial moment in art history, things have not got much better for aritsts. Few are those who actually receive that royalty percentage that they are entitled to have when their works are resold at public auctions.

For that, and for many other ethical reasons we all bear in mind, it is time to come up with a solution:

The VideoArtWorld Collection FUND, a warrant for your future self

                              iFUND: The VideoArtWorld Collection

With the help of the artists, the iFund aims to gather together and well preserve some of the most relevant pieces of videoart from all over the world developed in a period of half a century. These works would be donated by their authors, and auctioned in an appropriate future time, not earlier than 10 years and no longer than 20. However, the aritists or their heritage would receive 80% of the net benefit of the sale.

In this way, the Collection would have enough time to gather the acknowledgement that it would deserve and be praised in its totality thanks to the support and cache of all the artists involved. We will be summing up talents in a common effort: receive some of the energy we have put into the World.

The selection of works invited to be part of The VideoArtWorld Collection FUND is to be selected by the international curator Macu Morán, Founder and Director of VideoArtWorld

Feel free to contact us if you want to know further details.

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